Hi how are internet visitor, Welcome to Online Money Income. If you are new to the internet and looking for a way to earn a decent monthly income using the internet, then this site is for you.
Now a few words about me:Trust me, you won't regret this decision. I am a fulltime internet worker, I have earned money and helped other people learn how to do it.My writings have inspired a lot of folks choose the internet lifestyle.
I work at home, no need to follow a timetable or maintain a dress code. I was never held in a job and that's one the cool things ever happened with me. I am 24 years old and self employed. Yes online earning rocks!
Don't go after a 9-5 working lifestyle, just keep working on the internet, learn a few skills, build some websites and you will shine.
Why I build this website?I have had shared a lot of things about online earning and blogging in my other blog. It did help a lot of people, and I am kind of known for that. As time went by, me and my readers started to be mature and I started writing about advanced topics. But I do know hat everyday lots of people enter the intenet and look for newbie friendly resources.
I was receiving a lot of emails and messages resources from people who wanted to know how to earn money from the start. So I was looking for these resources but I couldn't find any reliable blogs.
Most of these blogs that write about inernet earning, are from people who just got started. And the people who really make big bucks either don't share or share for US/UK audience. So this is why I started this blog from an Asian perspective to earn money online.
I hope to help you guys through my articles and resources to start earning online and build a realiable income stream so that you won't have to look for a job.
Why do I get by helping people?I get the blessings of all these people who got benefited from my shares.Internet changed my life and I want to help you do the same. I want you to earn more money, so that will help you live a better and happier life.
In return all ask you is to tell about my blog to your friends/family.post it on your website and also share on facebook, twitter and other social media sites that you use. This will help me reach more people to teach them how to start earning.
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